English Book Club "The Green Dragon"

  • Подписчики: 751 подписчиков
  • ID: 124477098
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Welcome to our book club "The Green Dragon"! If you love books, English, good company, interesting stories and all this together I bet you would like to stay here long time!!! Because here you will find all of it!!! Let me tell you how our book club works. It's all begins with choosing the book! - In a middle of each month we put forward a poll of 5 different books and you can choose which one you prefer more. When we have a winner, on first day of each month we all (separately, wherever we are, at home, on the road, at work or at school) start to read the book during this month, the way we like to do it - slow or fast, lying or sitting, or standing, with or without tea. as you like (it is important !!!). In our group during each month we post some quotes from the book of the month, or some facts about it, or about the author and a lot of other interesting things. So, keep an eye on our wall. Finally, in the end of the month we have a meeting, where we can share our opinions about the book, discuss, argue, or maybe just to listen others, what they think about story, characters and etc. etc... So, if you will be interesting in all of this - Welcome!!! * As you've probably noticed we read book in English, but if it's difficult to you and you just want to participate - please, do it ! You can also read in Russian. **All synopsis of the books under the photo