DUFF (Punk Rock, ITALY)

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  • ID: 38764621
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Duff - одна из самых долгоживущих итальянских групп, играющих мелодик-хардкор. Они родом из в маленького южного городка Козенца, далеко от центральных городов итальянской панк-рок сцены - Рима, Милана, Болоньи. Но ребята не обломались и сразу же начали колесить по всей Италии в режиме нон-стоп, отыграв за 15 лет больше 400 концертов. Они успели побывать на одной с такими исполнителями, как Nofx (2010), Marky Ramone (2008 and 2010), Agnostic Front (2007), Snuff (2002), Persiana Jones (2001), Los Fastidios (2006), Raw Power (2003 and 2006), OkGO (2007), Queers (2007) Derozer (whole 2005/2006 tour), и, наверное, со всеми местными панк-группами. На их счету 5 альбомов и несколько EP'шек и сборников. На сегодняшний день Duff - пожалуй, одни из главных представителей жанра в Италии. -- ENGLISH -- Duff is one of the oldest and long lasting italian Melodic-Hardcore bands still around. They formed in 1998 in Cosenza, a small town in southern Italy, very far from the italian punkrock scene centerpoints (Milan, Bologna, Rome). Since the very first beginning they succeeded in filling that gap of isolation touring their asses off in relentless marathon-like tours, covering almost every corner of Italy, collecting more than 400 live shows in 15 years on the road. In the process, they played with acts like Nofx (2010), Marky Ramone (2008 and 2010), Agnostic Front (2007), Snuff (2002), Persiana Jones (2001), Los Fastidios (2006), Raw Power (2003 and 2006), OkGO (2007), Queers (2007) Derozer (whole 2005/2006 tour) and with almost every Italian punkrock act, releasing in the meantime 5 full records and a number of EPs/comps. They are regarded by fans and press as one of the most solid Melodic Hardcore acts of the whole italian scene. DISCOGRAPHY: 1998 - Demo (EP, self-produced) 2000 - Fuck Simile (EP, self-produced) 2002 - Diswacciuwont (Full Lenght, Decibel Records) 2005 - Split with "Io tu e Cesare" (EP, Narcolettica Records) 2006 - 12 Centesimi al Km (Full Lenght , Derotten Records) 2008 - The Worstest Hits (Compilation, Self Produced) 2009 - Tallone da Killer (Full Lenght, Wynona Records) 2012 - Ci sono gente che non stanno bene - Out 13 November 2012 (Full Lenght, Indiebox Records)